Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Leona

Leona Lewis

Leona Louise Lewis
Nombre Leona
Nacidas el April 3, 1985 (age 39)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England
Altura 170 cm | 5'7

Leona Louise Lewis es una cantante británica de R&B y ganadora de la tercera edición del reality show The X Factor de Reino Unido.

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Leona Maguire

Nombre Leona
Nacidas el November 30, 1994 (age 30)
Nacidas en Ireland, Ulster, County Cavan

Leona Maguire is an Irish professional golfer.

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Leona Naess

Nombre Leona
Nacidas el July 31, 1974 (age 50)

Leona Kristina Naess is a British singer-songwriter. She released her debut album, Comatised, in March 2000, which produced the single "Charm Attack".

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Leona Alleslev

Nombre Leona
Nacidas el March 16, 1968 (age 56)

Leona Alleslev is a Canadian politician who was elected as a Member of Parliament to represent the riding of Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill in the House of Commons. Originally elected as a Liberal in the 2015 federal election, on September 17, 2018, she crossed the floor to join the Conservative Party, citing alleged disagreements with the Liberal government over their handling of the economy and foreign affairs. On October 21, 2019, she was re-elected as a Conservative. Following the election, Alleslev was appointed as Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party, a position she resigned on July 12, 2020.

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Leona Cavalli

Alleyona Canedo da Silva
Nombre Leona
Nacidas el November 6, 1969 (age 55)

Alleyona Canedo da Silva es una actriz brasileña nacida el 6 de noviembre de 1969 en Rosário do Sul, Río Grande del Sur.

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Leona Dwi Agustine

Nombre Leona
Nacidas el August 12, 1990 (age 34)
Nacidas en Indonesia, West Java
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Leona Michalski

Nombre Leona
Nacidas el June 14, 2002 (age 22)
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