Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Khamerernebty

Khamerernebty II

Nombre Khamerernebty
Apellido II
Nacidas el January 1, -2600
Murió el January 1, -2600

Khamerernebty II was an ancient Egyptian queen of the 4th Dynasty. She was a daughter of Pharaoh Khafre and Queen Khamerernebty I. She married her brother Menkaure and she was the mother of Prince Khuenre.

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Khamerernebty I

Nombre Khamerernebty
Apellido I
Nacidas el January 1, -2600
Murió el January 1, -2600

Khamerernebty I was an ancient Egyptian queen of the 4th dynasty. She was probably a wife of King Khafre and the mother of King Menkaure and Queen Khamerernebty II. It is possible that she was a daughter of Khufu, based on the fact that inscriptions identify her as a King's daughter.

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