Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Kerrin

Kerrin McEvoy

Nombre Kerrin
Nacidas el October 28, 1980 (age 44)

Kerrin McEvoy is an Australian jockey who is best known for winning three Melbourne Cups. In Europe, McEvoy rode several big winners for Godolphin including Rule of Law in the St Leger Stakes at Doncaster in 2004 and Ibn Khaldun in the Racing Post Trophy, also at Doncaster in 2007.

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Kerrin Lee-Gartner

Nombre Kerrin
Nacidas el September 21, 1966 (age 58)
Nacidas en Canada, British Columbia
Altura 171 cm | 5'7

Kerrin Lee-Gartner es una esquiadora alpina retirada. En los Juegos Olímpicos de Albertville 1992 se convirtió en la primera canadiense en lograr una medalla de oro en la prueba de descenso.

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Kerrin Harrison

Kerrin Harrison is a New Zealand badminton player. Along with Glenn Stewart he won a bronze medal in the badminton men's doubles at the 1986 Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh, Scotland.

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