Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Kazushige

Kazushige Nagashima

Nombre Kazushige
Nacidas el January 26, 1966 (age 59)
Nacidas en Japan, Tokyo
Altura 181 cm | 5'11

Kazushige Nagashima is a Japanese actor, sports commentator and former professional baseball player. His father is Japanese baseball legend Shigeo Nagashima.

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Kazushige Abe

Nombre Kazushige
Nacidas el September 23, 1968 (age 56)

Kazushige Abe es un escritor japonés contemporáneo. Al abandonar el instituto de Tateoka (Yamagata), se mudó a Tokio donde obtuvo un diplomado en la escuela de cinematografía, trabajó como asistente y director de escena y comenzó a escribir novelas.

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Kazushige Komatsu

Nombre Kazushige
Nacidas el February 24, 1968 (age 56)
Nacidas en Japan
Altura 173 cm | 5'8
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Kazushige Fukunaga

Nombre Kazushige
Nacidas el September 28, 1974 (age 50)
Nacidas en Japan
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Kazushige Nojima

Nombre Kazushige
Nacidas el January 20, 1964 (age 61)

Kazushige Nojima is a Japanese video game writer. He is best known for writing several installments of Square Enix's Final Fantasy franchise—namely Final Fantasy VII and its spin-offs Advent Children and Crisis Core, Final Fantasy VIII, and Final Fantasy X and X-2—in addition to the Kingdom Hearts series, the Glory of Heracles series, and the story to the Subspace Emissary mode in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Nojima also wrote the original lyrics of "Liberi Fatali" for Final Fantasy VIII and both "Suteki da Ne" and the "Hymn of the Fayth" for Final Fantasy X. He is also the founder of Stellavista Ltd.

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Kazushige Izumi

Nombre Kazushige
Nacidas el January 1, 1951 (age 74)
Nacidas en Japan
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