Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Kata

Kata of Georgia

Nombre Kata
Apellido Georgia
Nacidas el November 30, 1149 (age 875)

Kata or Katai was a daughter of David IV, King of Georgia. She was married off by her father into the Byzantine imperial family c. 1116, but the identity of her husband is not revealed in the medieval sources. There are three modern hypotheses regarding her marriage.

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Kata Dalström

Nombre Kata
Apellido Dalström
Nacidas el December 18, 1858
Murió el December 11, 1923 (aged 64)
Nacidas en Sweden, Kalmar County

Anna Maria Katarina "Kata" Dalström, née Carlberg, was a Swedish socialist and writer. She belonged to the leading socialist agitators and leftist writers in contemporary Sweden, and has been referred to as "the mother of the Swedish socialist working class movement".

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Kata Dobó

Nombre Kata
Apellido Dobó
Nacidas el February 25, 1974 (age 50)

Kata Dobó or Kata Dobo is a Hungarian actress and filmmaker.

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Kata Wéber

Nombre Kata
Apellido Wéber
Nacidas el July 26, 1980 (age 44)
Nacidas en Hungary

Kata Wéber is a Hungarian screenwriter, playwright and former actress who often works with her husband, director Kornél Mundruczó. Wéber wrote White God (2014), Jupiter's Moon (2017) and Pieces of a Woman (2020).

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