Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Jie

Jie Zhitui

Nombre Jie
Apellido Zhitui

Jie Zhitui, also known as Jie Zitui, was a Han aristocrat who served the Jin prince Chong'er during the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history. Chinese legend holds that when Chong'er finally ascended to power as the duke of Jin, Jie either refused or was passed over for any reward, despite his great loyalty during the prince's times of hardship. Jie then retired to the forests of Jin in what is now central Shanxi with his mother. Supposedly, the duke so desired to repay Jie's years of loyalty that, when Jie declined to present himself at court, he ordered a forest fire to compel the recluse out of hiding. Instead, Jie and his mother were killed by the fire on Mt Mian. By the Han, Jie was being revered in central Shanxi as a Taoist immortal. He was annually commemorated with a ritual avoidance of fire that, despite many official bans, eventually became China's Cold Food and Qingming Festivals.

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No lo conozco

Jie Yang

Nombre Jie
Apellido Yang
Nacidas el January 8, 1991 (age 34)
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No lo conozco

Jie Wen

Nombre Jie
Apellido Wen
Nacidas el June 12, 1923
Murió el January 13, 1971 (aged 47)
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No lo conozco

Jie Schöpp

Nombre Jie
Apellido Schöpp
Nacidas el January 25, 1968 (age 57)

Jie Schöpp, née Shi, is a Chinese-born, German international table tennis player.

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No lo conozco
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