Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Jiao

Jiao Junyan

Nombre Jiao
Apellido Junyan
Nacidas el May 6, 1987 (age 37)

Jiao Junyan is a Chinese actress, best known for her role as Fang Huihui on When Larry Met Mary (2016) and has also starred in a number of films and television series, including Love Is Not Blind (2011), Editorial Department Story (2013), Lala's Shining Days (2013), Bunshinsaba 3 (2014), Noble Aspirations (2016), Medical Examiner Dr. Qin (2016), and Detective Dee (2017).

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jiao yu lu

Nombre Jiao
Apellido Lu
Nacidas el August 16, 1922
Murió el May 14, 1964 (aged 41)

Jiao Yulu was a Chinese politician. Jiao Yulu was a symbol of the honest Party cadre who devotes himself tirelessly to the Communist State. Jiao Yulu was considered to be a glorious example - Mao Zedong's good student during the period of personal worship. After his death, a campaign to study Jiao Yulu's example was started in 1966. The aim of the campaign was to boost morale and to rally the people to work harder to overcome difficulties. Party members in particular were called upon to follow Jiao Yulu's example by conducting more research and investigations into local conditions, and learn from his leadership style.

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Jiao Liuyang

Nombre Jiao
Apellido Liuyang
Nacidas el August 6, 1991 (age 33)
Altura 172 cm | 5'8

Jiao Liuyang es una nadadora china y campeona olímpica en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012. Ella compitió en los Juegos Olímpicos de 2008 y terminó segunda en los 200 m mariposa con 2:04.72, por detrás de su compañera de equipo Liu Zige, quien ganó la carrera en 2:04.18. Las dos chicas se encontraban bajo el anterior récord mundial en poder de la australiana Jessicah Schipper (2:05.40).

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Jiao Ji

Nombre Jiao
Apellido Ji

Jiaoji was an ancient Chinese figure and the son of Shaohao.

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