Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Jez

Jez Butterworth

Nombre Jez
Apellido Butterworth
Nacidas el March 1, 1969 (age 55)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Jeremy "Jez" Butterworth, es un dramaturgo y director de cine británico, más conocido por sus obras Mojo y Jerusalén y por la película Birthday Girl, protagonizada por Nicole Kidman y Ben Chaplin.

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Jez San

Nombre Jez
Apellido San
Nacidas el March 29, 1966 (age 58)

Jeremy Elliott "Jez" San OBE is an English game programmer and entrepreneur who founded Argonaut Software as a teenager in the 1980s. He is best known for the 1986 Atari ST game Starglider and helping to design the Super FX chip used in Star Fox for the Super NES. The 1992 game JezzBall was named in his honor.

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