Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Jes

Jes Staley

Nombre Jes
Nacidas el December 27, 1956 (age 68)

James Edward "Jes" Staley, is an American banker, and the former group chief executive (CEO) of Barclays. He stood down as CEO on 1 November 2021 and was succeeded by C. S. Venkatakrishnan. Staley has nearly four decades of experience in banking and financial services. He spent 34 years at J.P. Morgan's investment bank, ultimately becoming CEO. In 2013 he moved to BlueMountain Capital, and in December 2015, became CEO of Barclays.

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Jes Holtsø

Jes Holtsø is a Danish actor most notable for his role as Kjeld's son Børge in the Olsen-banden films. The reason that he was chosen to play Børge was actually his thick glasses, which became his characteristic. Later he played the Olsens' son, William Olsen in the Danish television series Huset på Christianshavn from 1970 to 1977 and the film based on the series Ballade på Christianshavn in 1971. As an adult Holtsø never pursued acting, though he did take part in the last Olsen Gang film, The Olsen Gang's Last Trick, as the adult Børge.

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Jes Macallan

Jessica Lee Liszewski
Nombre Jes
Nacidas el August 9, 1982 (age 42)
Altura 173 cm | 5'8

Jes Macallan es una actriz estadounidense. Es conocida por sus papeles como Josslyn Carver y Ava Sharpe en Mistresses y Legends of Tomorrow, respectivamente.

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Jes Brieden

Nombre Jes
Nacidas el May 10, 1974 (age 50)

Jes Brieden, known simply as Jes, is an American singer, songwriter, producer, composer, and DJ from New York. She is a co-founder of the US dance band Motorcycle, who released the world-famous song "As the Rush Comes" in 2003.

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Jes Høgh

Nombre Jes
Nacidas el May 7, 1966 (age 58)
Altura 184 cm | 6'0

Jes Høgh es un exfutbolista danés, se desempeñaba como defensa y se retiró en 2001 jugando para el Chelsea FC.

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