Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Jerrold

Jerrold Nadler

Jerrold Lewis Nadler
Nombre Jerrold
Nacidas el June 13, 1947 (age 77)

Jerrold Lewis Nadler is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for New York's 10th congressional district since 2013. A member of the Democratic Party, he is in his 15th term in Congress, having served since 1992. He was originally elected to represent the state's 17th congressional district (1992–1993) which was renumbered the 8th congressional district (1993–2013) and now is the 10th congressional district. Nadler has been Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee since 2019.

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Jerry E. Marsden

Nombre Jerrold
Nacidas el August 17, 1942
Murió el September 21, 2010 (aged 68)
Nacidas en Canada, British Columbia

Jerrold E. Marsden, fue un matemático estadounidense y especialista en aplicaciones mecánicas, de renombre mundial.

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Jerrold Mundis

Nombre Jerrold
Nacidas el March 3, 1941
Murió el April 4, 2020 (aged 79)

Jerrold J. Mundis was an American author, speaker and counselor. He wrote on the creation of healthy money relationships for individuals, including debt reduction and income growth. Mundis was also a teacher of professional and avocational writing and the author of a book about writer's block.

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Jerrold Freedman

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Jerrold Immel

Nombre Jerrold
Nacidas el September 9, 1936 (age 88)

Jerrold Immel is a United States television music composer, whose most famous works are the theme tune to the soap opera Dallas and Voyagers!.

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