Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Jeremi

Jeremi Kubicki

Nombre Jeremi
Murió el December 6, 1938

Jeremi Kubicki was a Polish painter. His work was part of the art competitions at the 1932 Summer Olympics and the 1936 Summer Olympics. He committed suicide by shooting himself in 1938.

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Jeremi Wiśniowiecki

Nombre Jeremi
Nacidas el August 17, 1612
Murió el August 20, 1651 (aged 39)
Nacidas en Ukraine, Poltava Oblast

Prince Jeremi Wiśniowiecki nicknamed Hammer on the Cossacks or Iron Hand, was a notable member of the aristocracy of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Prince of Wiśniowiec, Łubnie and Chorol in the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the father of the future King of Poland, Michael I.

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