Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Jean-laurent

Jean-Laurent Cochet

Nombre Jean-Laurent
Nacidas el January 28, 1935
Murió el April 7, 2020 (aged 85)
Nacidas en France, Île-de-France

Jean-Laurent Cochet fue un director de escena, profesor de arte dramático y actor francés especialmente conocido por sus trabajos en teatro y por la formación durante medio siglo a numerosos artistas del teatro y cine francés.

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Jean-Laurent Bonnafé

Nombre Jean-Laurent
Nacidas el July 7, 1961 (age 63)
Nacidas en France, Occitania

Jean-Laurent Bonnafé has been serving as chief executive officer of BNP Paribas since 2011.

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Jean-Laurent Le Geay

Nombre Jean-Laurent
Murió el November 30, 1794
Nacidas en France, Île-de-France

Jean-Laurent Le Geay was a French neoclassical architect with an unsatisfactory career largely spent in Germany. His artistic personality remained shadowy until recently, though he was allowed to have had numerous pupils among the avant-garde of neoclassicism. He won the Prix de Rome in architecture in 1732, which, after an unaccountable delay, sent him for study to the French Academy in Rome from December 1738 to January 1742, when the Director, Jean François de Troy, remarked of him on his departure "il y a du feu et du génie". After he returned to Paris, there is no record of him, but about 1745 he was in Berlin, where he published eight etchings (1747–48) of plans and elevations for St Hedwig's Church, Berlin, which he produced in collaboration with Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff, until recently the chief architect to Frederick II of Prussia; the church was eventually built to a modified version of the plan, by Johann Boumann, from June 1748, and Johann Gottfried Büring, in 1772–3.

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Jean-Laurent Silvi

Nombre Jean-Laurent
Nacidas el December 19, 1984 (age 39)
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Jean-Laurent Kopp

Nombre Jean-Laurent
Nacidas el November 8, 1812
Murió el September 23, 1872 (aged 59)
Nacidas en France, Île-de-France

Jean-Laurent Kopp was a French actor and singer.

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