Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Heinrich

Heinrich Himmler

Heinrich Luitpold Himmler
Nombre Heinrich
Apellido Himmler
Nacidas el October 7, 1900
Murió el May 23, 1945 (aged 44)
Nacidas en Germany, Bavaria

Heinrich Luitpold Himmler fue un oficial nazi de alto rango, Reichsführer de las Schutzstaffel (SS) y uno de los principales líderes del Partido Nazi (NSDAP) durante el régimen nacionalsocialista. El líder nazi Adolf Hitler lo nombró, durante un breve período, comandante militar del Ejército de reemplazos y plenipotenciario general de la administración de todo el Tercer Reich. Himmler fue una de las personas más poderosas en la Alemania nazi.

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Heinrich Popow

Nombre Heinrich
Apellido Popow
Nacidas el July 14, 1983 (age 41)

Heinrich Popow is a German sprinter. At the Paralympics 2012 in London he won Gold in 100 metres sprint. During his career he has been the World and European Champion in 100 metres sprint and World Champion in the long jump. In total, he won 27 medals at the Paralympic Games, World and European Championships.

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Heinrich Müller

Nombre Heinrich
Apellido Müller
Nacidas el April 28, 1900
Murió el April 29, 1945 (aged 45)
Nacidas en Germany, Bavaria

Heinrich Müller fue un general de División de la SS, conocido como «Gestapo Müller». Jefe de la Sección IV de la RSHA, es decir, de la temida Gestapo alemana desde 1939 hasta el final de la guerra.

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Heinrich Ehrler

Nombre Heinrich
Apellido Ehrler
Nacidas el September 14, 1917
Murió el April 4, 1945 (aged 27)

Heinrich Ehrler was a German Luftwaffe military aviator and wing commander during World War II. As a fighter ace, he is credited with 208 enemy aircraft shot down in over 400 combat missions. The majority of his victories were claimed over the Eastern Front, with nine claims over the Western Front which included eight in the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter.

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Heinrich August Winkler

Nombre Heinrich
Apellido Winkler
Nacidas el December 19, 1938 (age 85)

Heinrich August Wrinkler es un historiador alemán, profesor de la Universidad Humboldt de Berlín.

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Heinrich Deichmann

Nombre Heinrich
Apellido Deichmann
Nacidas el November 30, 1962 (age 61)

Heinrich Otto Deichmann is a German entrepreneur. He leads the family business Heinrich Deichmann-Schuhe GmbH founded by his father Heinz-Horst Deichmann, who was a medical doctor and entrepreneur in Essen, Germany. The company goes back until 1913 when the ancestors of the Deichmann family opened a shoe store named Deichmann-Schuhe GmbH in Essen. Heinrich Deichmann is one of the richest Germans with an estimated Net Worth as of March 2015 with US$4.7 billion.

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Heinrich Fink

Nombre Heinrich
Apellido Fink
Nacidas el March 31, 1935
Murió el July 1, 2020 (aged 85)
Nacidas en Ukraine, Odessa Oblast

Heinrich Fink was a German theologian, university professor and politician. In 1991 Fink was dismissed from Humboldt University of Berlin due to allegations against him being a former informer for the East German state security office, the Stasi. Fink denied the allegations.

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Heinrich Hiesinger

Nombre Heinrich
Apellido Hiesinger
Nacidas el May 25, 1960 (age 64)

Heinrich Hiesinger is a German engineer and manager who served as the CEO of thyssenkrupp from 2011 until 2018.

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Heinrich von Pierer

Nombre Heinrich
Apellido Pierer
Nacidas el January 26, 1941 (age 83)
Nacidas en Germany, Bavaria

Heinrich von Pierer is a German manager. From 1992 to 2005, he was CEO of Siemens AG. Subsequently, he was chairman of the supervisory board from which he resigned on 25 April 2007.

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Heinrich Nordhoff

Nombre Heinrich
Apellido Nordhoff
Nacidas el January 6, 1899
Murió el April 12, 1968 (aged 69)
Nacidas en Germany, Lower Saxony

Heinz Heinrich Nordhoff fue un ingeniero alemán famoso por su liderazgo de la empresa Volkswagen ya que fue reconstruida después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

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