Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Harper

Harper Lee

Nelle Harper Lee
Nombre Harper
Apellido Lee
Nacidas el April 28, 1926
Murió el February 19, 2016 (aged 89)

Nelle Harper Lee fue una escritora estadounidense conocida por su novela Matar un ruiseñor, obra ganadora del Premio Pulitzer, y que fue su única obra publicada durante 55 años hasta la publicación en 2015 de Ve y pon un centinela, pero que fue escrita con anterioridad por la autora y que es en realidad el primer borrador de su primera novela.

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Harper Beckham

Harper Seven Beckham
Nombre Harper
Apellido Beckham
Nacidas el July 10, 2011 (age 13)
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Harper Simon

Nombre Harper
Apellido Simon
Nacidas el September 7, 1972 (age 52)

Harper James Simon is an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer. Simon's talents have appeared on several studio albums, and has been featured in various feature films and television shows, including HBO's critically acclaimed series Girls. In 2010, Simon released his critically lauded self-titled solo album, followed by his second album Division Street released in 2013.

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Harper Goff

Nombre Harper
Apellido Goff
Nacidas el March 16, 1911
Murió el March 3, 1993 (aged 81)

Harper Goff, born Ralph Harper Goff, was an American artist, musician, and actor. For many years, he was associated with The Walt Disney Company, in the process of which he contributed to various major films, as well as to the planning of the Disney theme parks. During World War II, he was also an advisor to the U.S. Army on camouflage.

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Harper George Johns-Kerr

Nombre Harper
Apellido Johns-Kerr
Nacidas el August 21, 2004 (age 20)
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Harper Renn Smith

Nombre Harper
Apellido Smith
Nacidas el June 15, 2010 (age 14)
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Harper Carter

Nombre Harper
Apellido Carter

William Harper "Bill" Carter is an American businessman and former child actor. Using the stage name Harper Carter, he acted in several films as a child, notably the 1953 film Titanic, and appeared in adult roles in the late 1960s and early 1970s in film and television. In 1974, he moved to Westlake Village, California, and began working in real estate. In 1992 he became Executive Vice President of Sotheby's International Realty. Teamed with a fellow real estate agent, he has listed and sold more than one billion dollars in property.

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