Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Gert

Gert Fröbe

Karl Gerhart Fröbe
Nombre Gert
Apellido Fröbe
Nacidas el February 25, 1913
Murió el September 5, 1988 (aged 75)
Nacidas en Germany, Saxony, Zwickau

Gert Fröbe fue un actor cinematográfico alemán, conocido por su papel de Auric Goldfinger en la película de la serie James Bond film Goldfinger, así como por sus interpretaciones en La ópera de los tres centavos, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang y Der Räuber Hotzenplotz.

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Gert Krawinkel

Nombre Gert
Apellido Krawinkel
Nacidas el April 21, 1947
Murió el February 16, 2014 (aged 66)
Nacidas en Germany, Lower Saxony

Gert Krawinkel fue un músico y guitarrista alemán, reconocido por su apodo Kralle.

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Gert Postel

Nombre Gert
Apellido Postel
Nacidas el June 18, 1958 (age 66)

Gert Postel es un impostor alemán, principalmente conocido por haber postulado exitosamente para puestos como médico en varias ocasiones sin haber recibido nunca educación médica.

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Gert Boyle

Gertrude Boyle
Nombre Gert
Apellido Boyle
Nacidas el March 6, 1924
Murió el November 3, 2019 (aged 95)
Nacidas en Germany, Bavaria

Gertrude Boyle was a German-born American businesswoman in the U.S. state of Oregon. After her family fled Nazi Germany, her father founded the business that would become Columbia Sportswear, where in 1970, she became company president. She remained president until 1988 and additionally, served as chairwoman of the company's board of directors from 1983 until her death in 2019. Starting in the 1980s, she appeared in a series of advertisements for Columbia Sportswear alongside her son Timothy Boyle, often humorously testing the quality and durability of their products. She was also a philanthropist and memoirist.

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Gert Bastian

Nombre Gert
Apellido Bastian
Nacidas el March 26, 1923
Murió el October 1, 1992 (aged 69)
Nacidas en Germany, Bavaria

Gert Bastian, fue un general del ejército alemán y político del partido Alianza 90/Los Verdes.

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Gert Voss

Nombre Gert
Apellido Voss
Nacidas el October 10, 1941
Murió el July 13, 2014 (aged 72)

Gert Voss fue un actor alemán. Uno de los protagonistas del movimiento renovador que animó el teatro de la República Federal de Alemania en los años sesenta-setenta del siglo pasado, formó parte del equipo del director Claus Peymann en los teatros de Stuttgart, Bochum y Viena y trabajó con los mejores directores del momento como Peter Zadek, Peter Stein, George Tabori o Luc Bondy. Fue durante 26 años miembro de la compañía del afamado Burgtheater de Viena y un favorito del público vienés. Se le considera uno de los actores alemanes más importantes de nuestro tiempo.

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Gert Mittring

Nombre Gert
Apellido Mittring
Nacidas el May 26, 1966 (age 58)

Gert Mittring is a German mental calculator. He was inspired by the late Wim Klein. He has competed in the MSO mental calculation event every year since 2004, failing to win the gold medal outright on only four occasions. He has held numerous world records for mental calculation, such as calculating the 89247th root of a 1000000 digit number. He has doctorates in statistics and mathematics education, and is a member of the Intelligence Research Committee of Intertel. Mittring is said to have been poor in math during his school years. He has written several books on mental calculation.

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Gert Wilden

Nombre Gert
Apellido Wilden
Nacidas el April 15, 1917
Murió el September 10, 2015 (aged 98)

Gert Wilden was a German film composer. He was born in Mährisch Trübau. From 1956 through his retirement, he scored music for 50 feature films in numerous genres. However, he is perhaps best known for his music for erotic films in the 1970s, especially the Schoolgirl Report series.

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Gert Günther Hoffmann

Nombre Gert
Apellido Hoffmann
Nacidas el February 21, 1929
Murió el November 17, 1997 (aged 68)
Nacidas en Germany, Berlin

Gert Günther Hoffmann was a German actor and director. He achieved fame in German film and television as a voice actor in dubbing.

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Gert Heinrich Wollheim

Nombre Gert
Apellido Wollheim
Nacidas el September 11, 1894
Murió el April 22, 1974 (aged 79)
Nacidas en Germany, Saxony, Dresden

Gert Heinrich Wollheim was a German expressionist painter later associated with the New Objectivity, who fled nazi Germany and worked in the United States after 1947.

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