Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Gadi

Gadi Schwartz

Nombre Gadi
Apellido Schwartz
Nacidas el January 1, 1983 (age 42)

Gadi Schwartz is an American journalist working as an NBC News correspondent. He is the co-host of Stay Tuned, an NBC News program broadcast on Snapchat's Discover platform; it is the first daily news show on Snapchat. In 2016, Schwartz moved from NBC-owned KNBC in Los Angeles to work as a network correspondent. He previously worked for ten years at KOB in Albuquerque, New Mexico where he was a weekend news anchor and an investigative reporter. Schwartz lives with his wife, reporter Kim Tobin in Los Angeles.

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Gadi Eizenkot

Nombre Gadi
Apellido Eisenkott
Nacidas el May 19, 1960 (age 64)

Gadi Eizenkot or Eisenkot was the 21st Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. He is the originator of the so-called Dahiya doctrine.

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