Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Faruk

Faruk Süren

Nombre Faruk
Apellido Süren
Nacidas el July 28, 1945 (age 79)
Nacidas en Istanbul Province

Faruk Süren is a Turkish businessman and former chairman of the Turkish sports club Galatasaray.

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Faruk Çelik

Nombre Faruk
Apellido Çelik
Nacidas el January 17, 1956 (age 69)
Nacidas en Artvin Province

Faruk Çelik is a Turkish politician and a Member of Parliament for Bursa of the ruling Justice and Development Party. He served in various ministerial roles from 2009 to 2017, most recently as the Minister of Work and Social Security. He was the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Livestock.

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Faruk Nafiz Çamlıbel

Nombre Faruk
Apellido Çamlıbel
Nacidas el May 18, 1898
Murió el November 8, 1973 (aged 75)
Nacidas en Istanbul Province

Faruk Nafiz Çamlıbel was a leading Turkish poet, author and later politician.

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Faruk Aksoy

Nombre Faruk
Apellido Aksoy
Nacidas el November 30, 1963 (age 61)
Nacidas en Istanbul Province

Faruk Aksoy is a Turkish film director known for his film, the Fetih 1453 (2012).

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Faruk Yiğit

Nombre Faruk
Apellido Yiğit
Nacidas en Trabzon Province

Faruk Yiğit was a Turkish football player.

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Faruk Hadžibegić

Faruk Hadžibegić es un exfutbolista internacional y entrenador bosnio que jugó como defensa. Es uno de los futbolistas con más internacionalidades de la selección de Yugoslavia, con la que disputó la Eurocopa 1984 y la Copa del Mundo de 1990.

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Faruk Gürler

Nombre Faruk
Apellido Gürler
Nacidas el November 30, 1907
Murió el August 23, 1975 (aged 67)
Nacidas en Istanbul Province

Ömer Faruk Gürler was a Turkish general. He was the Commander of the Turkish Army during the 1971 Turkish coup d'état, and then Chief of the General Staff of Turkey. He was the military's candidate in the 1973 Presidential election, but lost to Fahri Korutürk.

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Faruk Kenç

Nombre Faruk
Apellido Kenç
Nacidas el January 31, 1910
Murió el May 11, 2000 (aged 90)
Nacidas en Libya
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Faruk Şen

Nombre Faruk
Apellido Şen
Nacidas el April 21, 1948 (age 76)
Nacidas en Ankara Province
Conozco \
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Faruk Tınaz

Nombre Faruk
Apellido Tınaz
Nacidas el June 6, 1956 (age 68)
Nacidas en Adana Province
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