Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Erling

Erling Haaland

Erling Braut Håland
Nombre Erling
Nacidas el July 21, 2000 (age 24)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England
Altura 194 cm | 6'4

Erling Braut Haaland es un futbolista noruego que juega como delantero en el Borussia Dortmund de la Bundesliga de Alemania desde 2020. Es internacional absoluto con la selección noruega desde el 17 de septiembre de 2019.

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Erling Mandelmann

Erling Hummelmose Mandelmann
Nombre Erling
Nacidas el November 18, 1935
Murió el January 14, 2018 (aged 82)

Erling Mandelmann was a Danish photographer. He began his career as a freelance photojournalist in the mid-1960s.

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Erling Kagge

Nombre Erling
Nacidas el January 15, 1963 (age 62)

Erling Kagge es un explorador, aventurero, abogado, coleccionista de arte y editor noruego.

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Erling Skakke

Nombre Erling
Nacidas el January 1, 1115
Murió el June 19, 1179 (aged 64)
Nacidas en Norway, Vestland

Erling Ormsson, más conocido por su apodo Erling Skakke, fue un jarl de Noruega que tuvo un papel relevante en las Guerras Civiles Noruegas como caudillo de la facción bagler en el siglo XII. Fue padre de Magnus V de Noruega, quien reinó de 1161 a 1184.

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Erling Persson

Nombre Erling
Nacidas el January 21, 1917
Murió el October 28, 2002 (aged 85)
Nacidas en Sweden, Dalarna County

Erling Persson was the founder of H&M. He got the idea following a post-World War II trip to the United States: He was impressed by the country's efficient, high-volume stores.

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Erling Georg Bergendal Hohler

Nombre Erling
Nacidas el January 18, 1963 (age 62)
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Erling Jensen

Nombre Erling
Nacidas el November 1, 1919
Murió el October 4, 2000 (aged 80)
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Erling Jepsen

Nombre Erling
Nacidas el May 14, 1956 (age 68)

Erling Jepsen is a Danish author and playwright whose output primarily deals with his hometime of Gram and the culture in the surrounding region of Southern Jutland. His novel Frygtelig lykkelig was adapted into the 2008 neo-noir thriller Terribly Happy, and his autobiographical novel Kunsten at Græde i Kor (The Art of Crying) was adapted into the 2006 film The Art of Crying.

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Erling Stensgaard

Nombre Erling
Murió el February 9, 1966
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Erling Olsen

Nombre Erling
Nacidas el April 18, 1927
Murió el June 27, 2011 (aged 84)

Erling Olsen was a Danish politician for the Social Democrats. He was member of parliament 1964–66, 1971–73 and 1975–98, and was member of four Danish governments as minister of housing 1978–82 and minister of justice 1993–94. Olsen was Speaker of the Folketing from 1994 to 1998. He was professor of economics and the founder and first Dean of Roskilde University 1971–73. A man of many original ideas, he helped create the University of the Arctic, a so-called university without walls.

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