Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Ephraim

Ephraim McDowell

Nombre Ephraim
Apellido McDowell
Nacidas el November 11, 1771
Murió el June 25, 1830 (aged 58)

Ephraim McDowell was an American physician and pioneer surgeon. The first person to successfully remove an ovarian tumor, he has been called "the father of ovariotomy" as well as founding father of abdominal surgery.

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Ephraim Mirvis

Nombre Ephraim
Apellido Mirvis
Nacidas el January 1, 1956 (age 69)
Nacidas en South Africa, Gauteng

Ephraim Mirvis is an Orthodox rabbi who serves as the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth. Traditionally the Chief Rabbi serves as the head of all British Jews as the Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth. He served as the Chief Rabbi of Ireland between 1985 and 1992.

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Ephraim Hertzano

Nombre Ephraim
Apellido Hertzano
Nacidas el May 22, 1912
Murió el January 10, 1987 (aged 74)

Ephraim Hertzano (1912–1987) was a Romanian-born Israeli board game designer. He is the inventor of the board game, Rummikub.

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Efraim Kishón

Nombre Ephraim
Apellido Kishon
Murió el January 29, 2005 (aged 35)
Nacidas en Hungary

Efraim Kishón, escritor, humorista satírico, dramaturgo y cineasta israelí. Fue el primer director de cine israelí cuyas películas fueron nominadas al Oscar y ganaron el Globo de Oro. En el 2002 recibió el Premio Israel por sus aportes a la sociedad.

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Ephraim Stannus

Nombre Ephraim
Apellido Stannus
Nacidas el January 1, 1739 (age 286)
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Efraim Katzir

Nombre Ephraim
Apellido Katzir
Murió el May 30, 2009 (aged 39)
Nacidas en Ukraine

Efraim Katzir, en hebreo אֶפְרַיִם קָצִיר fue un biofísico y político del Partido Laborista Israelí, cuarto presidente de Israel desde 1973 hasta 1978.

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Ephraim King Wilson

Nombre Ephraim
Apellido Wilson
Nacidas el September 15, 1771
Murió el January 2, 1834 (aged 62)

Ephraim King Wilson was a Congressional Representative for the State of Maryland.

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Ephraim Sykes

Nombre Ephraim
Apellido Sykes
Nacidas el July 17, 1985 (age 39)

Ephraim Manessah Sykes is an American actor. Sykes played the role of George Eacker in the Broadway musical Hamilton.

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Ephraim Dawson

Nombre Ephraim
Apellido Dawson
Murió el August 27, 1746
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Ephraim Stannus

Nombre Ephraim
Apellido Stannus
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