Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Emmi

Emmi Zeulner

Nombre Emmi
Nacidas el March 27, 1987 (age 37)
Nacidas en Germany, Bavaria

Emmi Zeulner is a German politician who represents the Christian Social Union (CSU) in the Bundestag, the German federal parliament.

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Emmi Bonhoeffer

Nombre Emmi
Nacidas el May 13, 1905
Murió el March 12, 1991 (aged 85)
Nacidas en Germany

Emmi Bonhoeffer was the wife of anti-Hitler activist Klaus Bonhoeffer and sister-in-law of theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. She was born on May 13, 1905, in Berlin. She died on March 12, 1991, in Düsseldorf. She married Bonhoeffer on September 3, 1930.

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No lo conozco

Emmi Hagen

Nombre Emmi
Nacidas el August 12, 1918
Murió el August 22, 1968 (aged 50)
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No lo conozco
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