Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Emmanuele

Emmanuèle Bernheim

Claude Emmanuèle Renée Bernheim
Nombre Emmanuèle
Nacidas el December 13, 1955
Murió el May 10, 2017 (aged 61)
Nacidas en France, Île-de-France

Emmanuèle Bernheim was a French writer. She was the daughter of art collector André Bernheim and sculptress Claude de Soria. In 1993 she won the Prix Médicis with her book Sa femme. She wrote the screenplay of feature films Swimming Pool (2003) and 5x2 (2004), both directed by François Ozon. She lived in Paris and also worked for television. In 1998 she wrote Vendredi soir, a novel that was adapted into film by Claire Denis in 2002. She also worked with Michel Houellebecq on a film adaptation of his novel Platform.

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Emmanuele Antonio Cicogna

Nombre Emmanuele
Nacidas el January 17, 1789
Murió el February 22, 1868 (aged 79)

Emmanuele Antonio Cicogna was an Italian writer, scholar and book-collector. He left his huge collection of books to the city of Venice and it now forms part of the Museo Correr.

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Emmanuele de Gregorio

Nombre Emmanuele
Nacidas el December 18, 1758
Murió el November 7, 1839 (aged 80)

Emmanuele de Gregorio was an Italian cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and son of Leopoldo de Gregorio, Marquis of Esquilache.

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