Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Elli

Elli Smula

Nombre Elli
Apellido Smula
Nacidas el October 10, 1914
Murió el July 8, 1943 (aged 28)
Nacidas en Germany

Elli Smula fue una revisora que, denunciada por lesbianismo, murió en el Campo de concentración de Ravensbrück en circunstancias desconocidas. En los estudios biográficos sobre la homosexualidad durante el nazismo, su destino está documentado desde la década de 1990. Desde noviembre de 2015, un Stolperstein en Berlín recuerda a la revisora.

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Elli Medeiros

Nombre Elli
Apellido Medeiros
Nacidas el January 18, 1956 (age 69)

Elli Medeiros es una cantante y actriz uruguaya.

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Elli Avram

Nombre Elli
Apellido Avram
Nacidas el July 29, 1990 (age 34)
Nacidas en Sweden, Stockholm County

Elisabet Avramidou Granlund, known professionally as Elli AvrRam, is a Swedish Greek actress and is now based in Mumbai, India. She is known for her Bollywood movie Micky Virus. AvrRam came to prominence after participating in the Indian reality TV show Bigg Boss.

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Elli Barczatis

Nombre Elli
Apellido Barczatis
Nacidas el January 7, 1912
Murió el November 23, 1955 (aged 43)
Nacidas en Germany

Helene "Elli" Barczatis was a typist-secretary who worked between April 1950 and January 1953 as the head secretary of the East German prime minister, Otto Grotewohl. Convicted of espionage, she and her lover Karl Laurenz were guillotined on 23 November 1955.

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Elli Norkett

Nombre Elli
Apellido Norkett
Nacidas el May 30, 1996
Murió el February 25, 2017 (aged 20)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Elli Norkett was a Welsh rugby union player who played for Swansea Ladies/Ospreys and the Wales women's national rugby union team. She was the youngest player at the 2014 Women's Rugby World Cup, having made her debut earlier that year in the Six Nations Championship.

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Elli Erl

Nombre Elli
Apellido Erl
Nacidas el May 25, 1979 (age 45)
Nacidas en Germany, Bavaria

Elisabeth "Elli" Maria Erl is a German singer-songwriter. She came to fame as the winner of the second season of the television show Deutschland sucht den Superstar, the German Idol series adaptation. With DSDS, Erl appeared on the collaborative top ten single "Believe in Miracles", while her coronation song and debut single "This Is My Life" peaked at number three on the German Singles Chart and reached the top ten in Austria. Erl's pop rock–influenced debut studio album, Shout It Out (2003), reached the top forty of the German Albums Chart but was significantly less successful than previous DSDS releases.

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Elli Ochowicz

Nombre Elli
Apellido Ochowicz
Nacidas el December 15, 1983 (age 41)
Altura 160 cm | 5'3

Elizabeth Kristine "Elli" Ochowicz is an Olympic speed skater who has competed in the three Winter Olympics.

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Elli Kafka

Nombre Elli
Apellido Kafka
Nacidas el September 22, 1889
Murió el January 1, 1942 (aged 52)
Nacidas en Czech Republic
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Elli Schmidt

Nombre Elli
Apellido Schmidt
Murió el July 30, 1980 (aged 10)
Nacidas en Germany

Elli Schmidt was a German communist political activist with links to Moscow, where as a young woman she spent most of the war years. She returned in 1945 to what later became the German Democratic Republic where she pursued a successful political career till her fall from grace: that came as part of a wider clear out of comrades critical of the national leadership in the aftermath of the 1953 uprising. She was formally rehabilitated on 29 July 1956, but never returned to mainstream politics.

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Elli Parvo

Elvira Gobbo
Nombre Elli
Apellido Parvo
Murió el February 19, 2010 (aged 40)
Nacidas en Italy, Lombardy

Elli Parvo was an Italian film actress, born in Milan as Elvira Gobbo. She appeared in 51 films between 1934 and 1960.

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