Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Elbert

Elbert N. Carvel

Nombre Elbert
Apellido Carvel
Nacidas el February 9, 1910
Murió el February 6, 2005 (aged 94)

Elbert Nostrand "Bert" Carvel was an American businessman and politician from Laurel, in Sussex County, Delaware. He was a member of the Democratic Party, who served as the 12th Lieutenant Governor of Delaware and two non-consecutive terms as the Governor of Delaware.

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Elbert Henry Gary

Nombre Elbert
Apellido Gary
Nacidas el October 8, 1846
Murió el August 15, 1927 (aged 80)

Elbert Henry Gary was an American lawyer, county judge and business executive. He was a founder of U.S. Steel in 1901, bringing together partners J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, and Charles M. Schwab. The city of Gary, Indiana, a steel town, was named for him when it was founded in 1906. Gary, West Virginia was also named after him. When trust busting President Theodore Roosevelt said that Gary was head of the steel trust, Gary considered it a compliment. The two men communicated in a nonconfrontational way, unlike Roosevelt's communications with leaders of other trusts.

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Elbert Lee Trinkle

Nombre Elbert
Apellido Trinkle
Nacidas el March 12, 1876
Murió el November 25, 1939 (aged 63)

Elbert Lee Trinkle was an American politician who served as the 49th Governor of Virginia from 1922 to 1926.

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