Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Eeva

Eeva Joenpelto

Eeva Elisabeth Joenpelto
Nombre Eeva
Nacidas el June 17, 1921
Murió el January 28, 2004 (aged 82)
Nacidas en Finland, Uusimaa, Lohja

Eeva Elisabeth Joenpelto, married name after 1945 Hellemann, was an award-winning Finnish novelist. Her writing is especially remembered for the Lohja tetralogy which depicted strong women. Described as a "productive novelist of monomaniacal intensity", she occasionally wrote under the pseudonyms of Eeva Helle and Eeva Autere. Joenpelto was President of PEN Finland in 1964-67 and worked as an art professor from 1980–85. She was married to Jarl Hellemann, the CEO of Tammi.

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