Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Dyfnwal

Dyfnwal III of Strathclyde

Nombre Dyfnwal
Apellido Owain
Murió el January 1, 0975

Dyfnwal ab Owain was a tenth-century King of Strathclyde. He was a son of Owain ap Dyfnwal, King of Strathclyde, and seems to have been a member of the royal dynasty of Strathclyde. At some point in the ninth- or tenth century, the Kingdom of Strathclyde expanded substantially southwards. As a result of this extension far beyond the valley of the River Clyde, the realm became known as the Kingdom of Cumbria. By 927, the kingdom seems to have reached as far south as the River Eamont.

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Dyfnwal I de Strathclyde

Nombre Dyfnwal,
Apellido Strathclyde
Nacidas el November 30, 0899
Murió el November 30, 0907 (aged 8)

Dyfnwal I de Strathclyde fue el rey de Strathclyde. Aunque se desconoce su parentesco, probablemente fue un miembro de la dinastía Cumbria que se registra que gobernó el reino de Strathclyde inmediatamente antes que él. Dyfnwal está atestiguado por una única fuente, en una crónica medieval que sitúa su muerte entre los años 908 y 915.

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Dyfnwal II of Strathclyde

Nombre Dyfnwal
Apellido Strathclyde

Dyfnwal was King of Strathclyde. Although his parentage is unknown, he was probably a member of the Cumbrian dynasty that is recorded to have ruled the Kingdom of Strathclyde immediately before him. Dyfnwal is attested by only one source, a mediaeval chronicle that places his death between the years 908 and 915.

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