Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Cor

Cor van Hout

Nombre Cor
Apellido Hout
Nacidas el August 18, 1957
Murió el January 24, 2003 (aged 45)

Cornelis (Cor) van Hout was a Dutch criminal and mastermind of the kidnapping of beer magnate Freddy Heineken.

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Cor Edskes

Cornelius Herman Edskes
Nombre Cor
Apellido Edskes
Nacidas el August 1, 1925
Murió el September 7, 2015 (aged 90)

Cor Edskes was one of the most important authorities on the history of organ building in Northern Europe. He acted as the consultant for the restoration of many of Europe's most important historical organs, including those in the Nieuwe Kerk (Amsterdam) and Roskilde Cathedral.

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Cor Braasem

Nombre Cor
Apellido Braasem
Nacidas el May 15, 1923
Murió el February 14, 2009 (aged 85)
Nacidas en Indonesia, North Sumatra

Cornelius Braasem fue un jugador holandés y seleccionador de waterpolo.

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Cor van Gogh

Cornelis Vincent van Gogh
Nombre Cor
Apellido Gogh
Nacidas el May 17, 1867
Murió el April 14, 1900 (aged 32)
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Cor van der Gijp

Cornelis "Cor" van der Gijp, also known as Ome Cor, is a retired Dutch footballer who was active as a striker. Van der Gijp made his professional debut at SC Emma and also played for Feijenoord and Blauw Wit.

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Cor Bakker

Nombre Cor
Apellido Bakker
Nacidas el September 2, 1918
Murió el December 18, 2011 (aged 93)

Cor Bakker was a Dutch racing cyclist. He rode in the 1948 Tour de France.

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Cor Lemaire

Nombre Cor
Apellido Lemaire
Nacidas el June 11, 1908
Murió el June 16, 1981 (aged 73)
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No lo conozco

Cor van der Hart

Nombre Cor
Apellido Hart
Nacidas el January 25, 1928
Murió el December 12, 2006 (aged 78)

Cor van der Hart was a Dutch footballer. He is known as one of the best defenders of the Dutch national team in history, who was physically strong, who read the game very well and who had a quality kicking technique.

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