Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Conaing

Conaing mac Amalgado

Nombre Conaing
Apellido Amalgado
Murió el November 30, 0741

Conaing mac Amalgado was a King of Brega from the Uí Chonaing sept of Cnogba (Knowth) of the Síl nÁedo Sláine branch of the southern Ui Neill. He was the son of Amalgaid mac Congalaig, a previous king. He ruled from 728 to 742.

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Conaing Cuirre

Nombre Conaing
Apellido Cuirre
Murió el January 1, 0662

Conaing mac Congaile, called Conaing Cuirre, was a King of Brega from the Síl nÁedo Sláine branch of the southern Ui Neill. He was the son of Congal mac Áedo Sláine, a previous king of Brega. The territory of Brega that he ruled was called Cnogba (Knowth) or North Brega which he ruled from 634 to 662.

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