Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Carlisle

Carlisle Floyd

Nombre Carlisle
Apellido Floyd
Nacidas el June 11, 1926
Murió el September 30, 2021 (aged 95)

Carlisle Floyd es un compositor estadounidense de óperas.

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Carlisle Trost

Nombre Carlisle
Apellido Trost
Nacidas el April 24, 1930
Murió el September 29, 2020 (aged 90)

Carlisle Albert Herman Trost was a United States Navy officer who served as the 23rd Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from July 1, 1986 to June 29, 1990. He oversaw the Navy during the end of the Cold War, and the preparations for the Gulf War of 1991. He retired from active naval service on July 1, 1990, following completion of a four-year term as CNO.

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