Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Caranus


Nombre Caranus
Nacidas el November 30, -0351
Murió el January 1, -0336 (aged 15)

Caranus was the son of Philip and a half-brother of Alexander the Great. It used to be thought that his mother was Cleopatra Eurydice, and that Caranus was therefore an infant at the time of his death. Cleopatra Eurydice bore Philip a female child, Europa, shortly before his death in October 336 BC. However, since the probable date for Philip and Cleopatra's marriage was spring 337 BC, this would mean that Cleopatra bore two children in 18-20 months. Whilst possible, this is unlikely.

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Carano de Macedonia

Nombre Caranus
Nacidas el January 1, -0900
Murió el January 1, -0800 (aged 100)

Carano fue el primer rey del Reino de Macedonia. Estableció su primer reino en Egas. Según el mito griego, Carano era uno de los hijos del rey Témeno. Témeno, Cresfontes y Aristodemo eran los tres líderes de los dorios que invadieron el Peloponeso.

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