Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Bi

Bi Wenjun

Nombre Bi
Apellido Wenjun
Nacidas el November 30, 1996 (age 28)

Bi Wenjun is a Chinese singer and actor. He is a member of the Chinese boy group NEXT.

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Bi Fujian

Nombre Bi
Apellido Fujian
Nacidas el January 16, 1959 (age 66)

Bi Fujian, also known by his nickname Laobi, is a Chinese director, television host and professor. Bi is the long-time host of the singing competition franchise Xingguang Dadao, and has been a host on the CCTV New Year's Gala variety entertainment program from 2012 to 2015.

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Bi Jingquan

Nombre Bi
Apellido Jingquan
Nacidas el January 1, 1955 (age 70)

Bi Jingquan is a Chinese politician who was director of the China Food and Drug Administration from 2015 to 2018. After the office was merged into the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) in March 2018, he has was the party secretary of SAMR. He was formerly a deputy secretary-general of the State Council and vice-president of the China Consumer Association.

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Bi Gan

Nombre Bi
Apellido Gan

Bi Gan or Bigan was a prominent Chinese figure during the Shang dynasty. He was a son of King Wen Ding, and an uncle of the last Shang king, Di Xin. He is immortalized as a Taoist deity. His surname was "Zi" (子).

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Bi Feiyu

Nombre Bi
Apellido Feiyu

Bi Feiyu is a Chinese writer. His works are known for their complex portrayal of the "female psyche." He has won some of the highest literary awards in China. He also wrote the screenplay for Zhang Yimou's 1996 film Shanghai Triad.

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Bi Ribeiro

Nombre Bi
Apellido Ribeiro
Nacidas el March 30, 1961 (age 63)
Nacidas en Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Felipe de Nóbrega Ribeiro, más conocido como Bi Ribeiro, es un músico brasileño; conocido por ser el bajista bajista del grupo de rock Os Paralamas do Sucesso. Se le atribuye el nombre del grupo, escogido según él, por ser lo más ridículo posible.

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Bi Kidude

Nombre Bi
Apellido Kidude
Murió el April 17, 2013 (aged 43)

Fatuma binti Baraka aka Bi Kidude, fue una cantante Taraab de Tanzania. Ella es considerada la reina indiscutible de la música Taraab y Unyago y también es una protegida de Siti binti Saad. Kidude Bi nació en el pueblo de Mfagimaringo, fue hija de un vendedor de coco en Zanzíbar colonial. La fecha exacta de su nacimiento es desconocida, la mayor parte de la historia de su vida no está corroborada, dándole un estatus casi mítico.

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Bi Gan

Nombre Bi
Apellido Gan
Nacidas el May 31, 1989 (age 35)

Bi Gan is a Chinese film director, screenwriter, poet, and photographer. He was born in Kaili City (凯里), Guizhou (贵州). His first feature film, Kaili Blues, was released in 2015 and won Best New Film Director at the 52nd Golden Horse Awards, the FIPRESCI Prize, The Golden Montgolfiere Prize at the 37th Festival of the Three Continents in Nantes, and the Best First Feature Film Award at The 68th Locarno Film Festival.

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Bi Pu

Nombre Bi
Apellido Pu
Nacidas el May 16, 1922
Murió el January 1, 2016 (aged 93)

Bi Pu, born Zhou Sunshan (Chinese:周素珊) was a Chinese writer and translator, who was born in Guangzhou and later based in Taiwan.

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Bi Shiduo

Nombre Bi
Apellido Shiduo
Nacidas el November 30, 0899
Murió el March 2, 0888

Bi Shiduo was an army officer of the late Tang dynasty. He initially was part of the agrarian rebellions of Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao, but later became a Tang officer. His rebellion in 887 against Gao Pian the military governor (Jiedushi) of Huainan Circuit would be the start of sustained warfare that left the once-wealthy circuit in devastation.

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