Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Ayurbarwada


Nombre Ayurbarwada
Nacidas el April 9, 1285
Murió el March 1, 1320 (aged 34)

Buyantu Khan, born Ayurbarwada, also known by the temple name Renzong (Emperor Renzong of Yuan, was the fourth emperor of the Yuan dynasty. Apart from Emperor of China, he is regarded as the eighth Great Khan of the Mongol Empire or Mongols, although it was only nominal due to the division of the empire. His name means "blessed/good Khan" in the Mongolian language. His name "Ayurbarwada" was from a Sanskrit compound "Āyur-parvata", which means "the mountain of longevity", in contrast with Emperor Wuzong's name Qaišan.

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