Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Aripert

Aripert I

Nombre Aripert
Murió el January 1, 0661

Ariperto o Ariberto I, rey de los Lombardos, fue hijo del duque Gundoaldo de Asti, quien al ser nieto de del duque Garibaldo de Baviera, perteneció a la Dinastía agilolfinga. Gobernó entre los años 653 a 661 aproximadamente. Levantó en Tesino el santuario de Nuestro Señor Salvador, que se haya fuera de la puerta occidental llamada Marenca, lo engalanó de diversos ornamentos y lo dotó de abundantes posesiones.

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Aripert II

Nombre Aripert
Nacidas el November 30, 0679
Murió el February 29, 0712 (aged 32)

Aripert II was the king of the Lombards from 701 to 712. Duke of Turin and son of King Raginpert, and thus a scion of the Bavarian Dynasty, he was associated with the throne as early as 700. He was removed by Liutpert, who reigned from 700 to 702, with the exception of the year 701, when Raginpert seized the throne. After his father's death, he tried to take the throne, too. He defeated Liutpert and the regent Ansprand's men at Pavia and captured the king, whom he later had strangled in his bath. He seized the capital and forced Ansprand over the Alps. He was firmly in power by 703.

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