Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Arianne

Arianne Zucker

Nombre Arianne
Nacidas el June 3, 1974 (age 50)
Altura 175 cm | 5'9

Arianne Zucker es una actriz y modelo estadounidense, más conocida por interpretar a Nicole Walker en la serie Days of Our Lives.

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Arianne Caoili

Arianne Bo Caoili
Nombre Arianne
Nacidas el December 22, 1986
Murió el March 30, 2020 (aged 33)

Arianne Bo Caoili was a Filipino-Australian chess player. She held the FIDE title of Woman International Master, won the Oceania women's chess championship in 2009 and competed in seven Women's Chess Olympiads. Outside of chess, she was a financial consultant, and served as advisor to Armenian prime minister Karen Karapetyan.

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Arianne Baggerman

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Arianne Botelho

Nombre Arianne
Nacidas el September 20, 1993 (age 31)
Nacidas en Brazil, São Paulo
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Arianne Phillips

Nombre Arianne
Nacidas el April 26, 1963 (age 61)

Arianne Phillips is an American costume designer. Phillips was recognized for her work on the Broadway musical Hedwig and the Angry Inch, starring Neil Patrick Harris, earning her a Tony award nomination for Best Costume Design. Phillips has a long-standing relationship with Madonna, with collaborations including photos shoots, music videos and designing tour costumes for six would tours over the past two decades. She has been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Costume Design three times, for James Mangold's Walk the Line (2005), for Madonna’s directorial debut, W.E. (2011), and for Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019). Phillips has also received a two BAFTA Award nominations for Tom Ford’s A Single Man (2009) and Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

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