Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Anh

Anh Dao Traxel

Nombre Anh
Apellido Traxel
Nacidas el August 22, 1957 (age 66)
Nacidas en Vietnam

Anh Dao Traxel is the foster daughter of the late French President Jacques Chirac (1932–2019) and his wife Bernadette. She was a boat-person refugee, and met Jacques Chirac at Roissy Airport in 1979. He told her "Don’t cry, ma chérie. You are coming home with us" and took her home. She was then 21 and her adoptive father was 47.

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Anh Duong

Nombre Anh
Apellido Duong
Nacidas el October 25, 1960 (age 63)

Anh Duong es una pintora, escultora, actriz y modelo francesa, nacida el 25 de octubre de 1960 en Burdeos.

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