Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Amalgaid

Amalgaid mac Congalaig

Nombre Amalgaid
Murió el November 30, 0717

Amalgaid mac Congalaig was a King of Brega from the Uí Chonaing sept of Cnogba (Knowth) of the Síl nÁedo Sláine branch of the southern Ui Neill. He was the son of Congalach mac Conaing Cuirre. He ruled in north Brega from 702 to 718.

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Amalgaid mac Fiachrae

Nombre Amalgaid
Murió el November 30, 0439

Amalgaid mac Fiachrae was a King of Connacht of the Ui Fiachrach sept. He was the son of Fiachrae mac Echach Mugmedóin and grandson of the high king Eochaid Mugmedón.

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