Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Alexandru

Alexandru Cicâldău

Nombre Alexandru
Apellido Cicâldău
Nacidas el July 8, 1997 (age 27)
Altura 178 cm | 5'10

Alexandru Cicâldău es un futbolista rumano que juega en la demarcación de centrocampista para el Al-Ittihad Kalba S. C. de la UAE Pro League.

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Alexandru Papană

Nombre Alexandru
Apellido Papană
Nacidas el October 18, 1906
Murió el April 17, 1946 (aged 39)
Nacidas en Romania

Alexandru Papană fue un deportista rumano que compitió en bobsleigh en la modalidad doble. Ganó dos medallas en el Campeonato Mundial de Bobsleigh, oro en 1933 y bronce en 1934.

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Alexandru Maxim

Alexandru Iulian Maxim
Nombre Alexandru
Apellido Maxim
Nacidas el July 8, 1990 (age 34)
Nacidas en Romania, Neamț County
Altura 177 cm | 5'10

Alexandru Iulian Maxim es un futbolista rumano que juega como centrocampista en el Gaziantep FK de la Superliga de Turquía.

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Alexandru Gațcan

Nombre Alexandru
Apellido Gațcan
Nacidas el March 27, 1984 (age 40)
Altura 186 cm | 6'1

Alexandru Gaţcan es un futbolista moldavo. Juega como centrocampista y actualmente milita en el P. F. C. Krylia Sovetov Samara de la Liga Nacional de Fútbol de Rusia.

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Alexandru Epureanu

Nombre Alexandru
Apellido Epureanu
Nacidas el September 27, 1986 (age 38)
Altura 189 cm | 6'2

Alexandru Epureanu es un futbolista moldavo que juega de defensa en el Estambul Başakşehir F. K. de la Süper Lig. Fue nombrado futbolista moldavo del año en 2007.

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Alexandru Tănase

Nombre Alexandru
Apellido Tănase
Nacidas el February 24, 1971 (age 53)

Alexandru Tănase is a Moldovan politician. He is a former President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova. He was Justice Minister in the First Vlad Filat Cabinet, and in the first several months of the Second Filat Cabinet.

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Alexandru Mihăescu

Nombre Alexandru
Apellido Mihăescu
Nacidas el March 20, 1980 (age 44)
Nacidas en Romania, Timiș County
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Alexandru Mesian

Nombre Alexandru
Apellido Mesian
Nacidas el January 22, 1937 (age 88)

Alexandru Mesian is a Romanian bishop of the Greek-Catholic Church. Born in Ferneziu, now part of Baia Mare city, he graduated from Gheorghe Şincai High School. Admitted to the Roman Catholic Theological Institute of Iași in 1957, Mesian was expelled on the orders of the communist authorities the same year, as he was from a family that belonged to the banned Greek-Catholic Church. He performed his military service from 1957 to 1960, working as a technician in Baia Mare from 1950 to 1990. Mesian studied theology and was ordained a priest in secret in 1965, emerging into the open in 1990, after the fall of the regime. In 1994, he was consecrated auxiliary bishop for the Lugoj Eparchy, advancing to bishop in 1996 with the retirement of Ioan Ploscaru.

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Alexandru Athanasiu

Nombre Alexandru
Apellido Athanasiu
Nacidas el January 1, 1955 (age 70)
Nacidas en Romania

Alexandru Athanasiu is a Romanian politician and jurist. A former leader of the Romanian Social Democratic Party (PSDR), he is a member of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) since 2001. Athanasiu served as Prime Minister on an interim basis from 13 December to 22 December 1999, heading the Romanian Democratic Convention (CDR) cabinet after the resignation of Radu Vasile. On 1 January 2007, with the accession of Romania to the European Union, Athanasiu became a Member of the European Parliament for the PSD.

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Alexandru Proca

Nombre Alexandru
Apellido Proca
Nacidas el October 16, 1897
Murió el December 13, 1955 (aged 58)
Nacidas en Romania

Alexandru Proca was a Romanian physicist who studied and worked in France. He developed the vector meson theory of nuclear forces and the relativistic quantum field equations that bear his name for the massive, vector spin-1 mesons.

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