Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Ajaz

Ajaz Patel

Nombre Ajaz
Nacidas el October 21, 1988 (age 35)
Nacidas en India

Ajaz Yunus Patel is a New Zealand cricketer who plays for Central Districts in domestic cricket. He made his international debut for the New Zealand cricket team in October 2018. The following month, he made his Test debut for New Zealand, taking five wickets in the second innings. He emigrated with his family from Mumbai when he was eight years old, and was formerly a left-arm seam bowler. In May 2020, New Zealand Cricket awarded him with a central contract, ahead of the 2020–21 season.

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Ajaz Khan

Nombre Ajaz
Nacidas el May 29, 1981 (age 43)
Nacidas en India

Ajaz Khan is an Indian film actor. He has starred in movies such as Rakta Charitra and Allah Ke Banday and acted in several television daily soaps including Rahe Tera Aashirwaad and Kahaani Hamaaray Mahaabhaarat Ki. Khan is known for his appearance in Bigg Boss 7. He also appeared on the TV show Comedy Nights with Kapil.

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