Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Aare

Aare Laanemets

Nombre Aare
Nacidas el February 6, 1954
Murió el October 28, 2000 (aged 46)
Nacidas en Estonia, Harju County

Aare Laanemets was an Estonian actor and theatre director, who is possibly best recalled for his role as Joosep Toots in three film adaptations of novels penned by author Oskar Luts: Kevade (1969), Suvi (1976), and Sügis (1990). Laanemets' career began as a teenager and he worked steadily as an adult as a stage, film, and television actor until his death in 2000, aged 46. In 1984, he co-founded the Pärnu School Theatre, where he worked as an instructor and stage director.

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