Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Zivic

Marko Živić

Nombre Marko
Apellido Živić
Nacidas el April 4, 1972
Murió el October 14, 2021 (aged 49)
Nacidas en Serbia, Rasina District

Marko Živić was a Serbian actor and comedian. Dubbed as a great "showman" by media, Živić started his theatre career in 2002 at the Belgrade Drama Theatre. He initially rose to prominence for his role as Lepi Lukić in the televised comedy Folk. His later known portrayals are of good-hearted and vulnerable musician Mika Armonika in Psi laju, velar nosi and cunning drug dealer Vasilije in Shadows over Balkan. His film credits include Čitulja za Eskobara, The Belgrade Phantom and Montevideo, God Bless You!. Živić also hosted the The Marko Živić Show.

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Géraldine Zivic

Nombre Geraldine
Apellido Zivic
Nacidas el August 6, 1975 (age 49)
Nacidas en Argentina

Géraldine Zivic Brex es una actriz, modelo y presentadora de televisión colombiana de ascendencia y serbia y nacida Argentina. Es conocida principalmente por su actuación en distintas telenovelas.

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