Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Yugala

Chatrichalerm Yukol

Nombre Chatrichalerm
Nacidas el November 29, 1942 (age 81)
Nacidas en Thailand

Prince Chatrichalerm Yukol, or usually known by his nickname Mui, is a Thai film director, screenwriter and film producer. A prolific director since the 1970s, among his films is the 2001 historical epic, The Legend of Suriyothai. A member of the Thai royal family, his official royal title is Mom Chao, or M.C., the most junior title still considered royalty. For Suriyothai as well as his 2007 historical epic, King Naresuan, Chatrichalerm was backed by Queen Sirikit.

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Bhanubandhu Yugala

Nombre Bhanubandhu
Nacidas el November 27, 1910
Murió el February 5, 1995 (aged 84)
Nacidas en Thailand, Songkhla

Prince Bhanubandhu Yugala was a Thai film director, producer and screenwriter, playwright, composer and author.

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