Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Youde

Edward Youde

Nombre Edward
Apellido Youde
Nacidas el June 19, 1924
Murió el December 5, 1986 (aged 62)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Wales

Sir Edward Youde was a British administrator, diplomat and Sinologist. He served as Governor of Hong Kong between 20 May 1982 and his death on 5 December 1986.

Conozco \
No lo conozco

Fu Youde

Nombre Fu
Apellido Youde
Nacidas el November 30, 1326
Murió el December 20, 1394 (aged 68)

Fu Youde was a Chinese general and a highly competent commander in the Ming navy.

Conozco \
No lo conozco
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