Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Wooley

Michael-Leon Wooley

Nombre Michael-Leon
Nacidas el March 29, 1971 (age 53)

Michael-Leon Wooley is an American theatre, film, television and voice actor, singer and activist. Wooley lends his voice to Louis the Alligator in Disney's Oscar-nominated animated feature film, The Princess and the Frog. Wooley played Judge Grady on the radio station WKTT in Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto IV.

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Sheb Wooley

Nombre Sheb
Nacidas el April 10, 1921
Murió el September 16, 2003 (aged 82)

Sheb Wooley fue un actor estadounidense de carácter, además de cantante, conocido sobre todo por su exitoso tema de 1958 "The Purple People Eater". Como actor fue conocida su interpretación de Miller, hermano de Frank Miller en el filme High Noon, así como su personaje en la serie televisiva Rawhide.

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Trevor Wooley

Nombre Trevor
Apellido Wooley
Nacidas el September 17, 1964 (age 60)

Trevor Dion Wooley FRS is a British mathematician and currently Professor of Mathematics at Purdue University. His fields of interest include analytic number theory, Diophantine equations and Diophantine problems, harmonic analysis, the Hardy-Littlewood circle method, and the theory and applications of exponential sums. He has made significant breakthroughs on Waring's problem, for which he was awarded the Salem Prize in 1998.

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Josephine Wooley

Nombre Josephine
Apellido Wooley
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John Walker Wooley

Nombre John
Apellido Wooley
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