Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon

Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon
Nombre Reese
Apellido Witherspoon
Nacidas el March 22, 1976 (age 48)
Altura 156 cm | 5'1

Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon,, más conocida como Reese Witherspoon, es una actriz y productora de cine estadounidense, ganadora de un Premio Óscar, un Globo de Oro, un premio BAFTA y un Premio del Sindicato de Actores.

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John Witherspoon

John Weatherspoon
Nombre John
Apellido Witherspoon
Nacidas el January 27, 1942
Murió el October 29, 2019 (aged 77)

John Weatherspoon, better known as John Witherspoon, was an American actor and comedian who performed in various television shows and films.

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Chazz Witherspoon

Chazz Witherspoon is a heavyweight boxer and the second cousin of former boxing champion Tim Witherspoon.

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Ahkello Witherspoon

James Ahkello Elec Witherspoon is an American football cornerback for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Colorado.

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Dane Witherspoon

Nombre Dane
Apellido Witherspoon
Nacidas el December 27, 1957
Murió el March 29, 2014 (aged 56)

Dane Witherspoon fue un actor estadounidense que ha aparecido en telenovelas diurnas como Santa Barbara interpretando a Joe Perkins en 1984 y el Capitolio, como Tyler McCandless 1985-1986.

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John Witherspoon

Nombre John
Apellido Witherspoon
Murió el November 15, 1794
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Scotland

John Witherspoon was a Scottish American Presbyterian minister and a Founding Father of the United States. Witherspoon embraced the concepts of Scottish common sense realism, and while president of the College of New Jersey, became an influential figure in the development of the United States' national character. Politically active, Witherspoon was a delegate from New Jersey to the Second Continental Congress and a signatory to the July 4, 1776, Declaration of Independence. He was the only active clergyman and the only college president to sign the Declaration. Later, he signed the Articles of Confederation and supported ratification of the Constitution. In 1789 he was convening moderator of the First General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America.

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Cora Witherspoon

Nombre Cora
Apellido Witherspoon
Nacidas el January 5, 1890
Murió el November 17, 1957 (aged 67)

Cora Witherspoon was an American stage and film character actress whose career spanned nearly half a century. She began in theatre where she remained rooted even after entering motion pictures in the early 1930s. As Witherspoon’s career progressed, she carved a niche playing haughty society women or harridan housewives such as Princess Lina in Ferenc Molnár's 1928 play Olympia, or Agatha Sousè, W.C. Fields’ domineering spouse in the 1940 film The Bank Dick. John Springer and Jack Hamilton, authors of They Had Faces Then: Super Stars, Stars, and Starlets of the 1930s (1974), wrote that "Witherspoon was blessed with a face that might have been drawn by one of those cartoonists who specialize in dealing with the war between men and women."

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Jimmy Witherspoon

Nombre Jimmy
Murió el September 18, 1997 (aged 27)

Jimmy Witherspoon fue un cantante estadounidense de blues. Su estilo vanguardista, sus arreglos y producciones lo convirtieron en un artista genuino en su época.

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Robert Witherspoon

Nombre Robert
Apellido Witherspoon
Nacidas el January 29, 1767
Murió el October 11, 1837 (aged 70)

Robert Witherspoon was a U.S. Representative from South Carolina, great-great-grandfather of Robert Witherspoon Hemphill.

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Angela Robinson Witherspoon

Nombre Angela
Apellido Witherspoon
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