Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Wigmore

Maud de Braose, Baroness Mortimer

Nombre Maud
Nacidas el January 1, 1224
Murió el March 23, 1301 (aged 77)
Nacidas en United Kingdom

Maud de Braose, Baroness Mortimer was a noble heiress, and one of the most important, being a member of the powerful de Braose family which held many lordships and domains in the Welsh Marches. She was the wife of Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer, a celebrated soldier and Marcher baron.

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Roger Mortimer of Wigmore

Nombre Roger
Apellido Wigmore
Murió el November 30, 1213

Roger de Mortimer was a medieval marcher lord, residing at Wigmore Castle in the English county of Herefordshire. He was the son of Hugh de Mortimer and Matilda Le Meschin.

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