Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Wenlock

Arthur Lawley, 6th Baron Wenlock

Nombre Arthur
Apellido Wenlock
Nacidas el November 12, 1860
Murió el June 14, 1932 (aged 71)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Arthur Lawley, 6th Baron Wenlock, was a British colonial administrator who served variously as Administrator of Matabeleland, Governor of Western Australia, Lieutenant-Governor of the Transvaal, and Governor of Madras. The fourth and youngest son of the 2nd Baron Wenlock, he attended Eton College and Trinity College, Cambridge, before joining the military. Serving in the Mahdist War, he reached the rank of captain before resigning his commission to pursue other interests. Lawley was then private secretary to his uncle, the 1st Duke of Westminster, and subsequently to the 4th Earl Grey, who he followed to Rhodesia.

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