Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Washington-williams

Essie Mae Washington-Williams

Nombre Essie
Nacidas el October 12, 1925
Murió el February 4, 2013 (aged 87)

Essie Mae Washington-Williams was an American teacher, author, and writer. She is best known as the eldest child of Strom Thurmond, Governor of South Carolina (1947–1951) and longtime United States Senator, known for his pro-racial segregation policies. Of mixed race, she was born to Carrie Butler, a 16-year-old African-American girl who worked as a household servant for Thurmond's parents, and Thurmond, then 22 and unmarried. Washington-Williams grew up in the family of one of her mother's sisters, not learning of her biological parents until 1938 when her mother came for a visit and informed Essie Mae she was her mother. She graduated from college, earned a master's degree, married, raised a family, and had a 30-year professional career in education.

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