Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Volodarsky

Eduard Volodarsky

Nombre Eduard
Apellido Volodarsky
Nacidas el February 3, 1941
Murió el October 8, 2012 (aged 71)

Eduard Yakovlevich Volodarsky was a Soviet and Russian screenwriter, writer and playwright. He was named Honoured Artist of the RSFSR in 1987, awarded the Order of Honour in 2002 and 4th class Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" in 2011 for his contribution to the development of national cinema.

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V. Volodarsky

Моисей Маркович Гольдштейн
Nombre V.
Apellido Volodarsky
Nacidas el December 11, 1891
Murió el June 20, 1918 (aged 26)

V. Volodarsky was a Marxist revolutionary and early Soviet politician. He was assassinated in 1918.

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No lo conozco
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