Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Vijver

Marc Van de Vijver

Nombre Marc
Apellido Vijver
Nacidas el November 19, 1961 (age 62)
Nacidas en Belgium, Flemish Region
Conozco \
No lo conozco

Heidi Van De Vijver

Nombre Heidi
Nacidas el December 31, 1969 (age 54)
Nacidas en Belgium, Flemish Region

Heidi Van De Vijver is a Belgian former racing cyclist, who currently works as a directeur sportif for UCI Women's Continental Team Plantur–Pura. She won the Belgian national road race title in 1994 and 1998. She also competed at the 1996 and 2000 Summer Olympics.

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No lo conozco
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