Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Vere

Elizabeth Vere

Nombre Elizabeth
Apellido Vere
Nacidas el November 30, 1482 (age 541)
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No lo conozco

James Hope Vere

Nombre James
Apellido Vere
Nacidas el June 3, 1785
Murió el May 19, 1843 (aged 57)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Scotland

James Joseph Hope-Vere of Craigiehall MP FRSE (1785–1843) was a 19th-century Scottish landowner and politician. As a politician he was deemed a moderate Whig.

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Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere

Nombre Vere
Apellido Vere
Nacidas el July 14, 1699
Murió el October 21, 1781 (aged 82)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Admiral Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere, known as Lord Vere Beauclerk until 1750, was a Royal Navy officer, British peer and politician who sat in the House of Commons for 24 years from 1726 to 1750. After serving various ships in the Mediterranean and then commanding the third-rate HMS Hampton Court, he joined the Board of Admiralty, ultimately serving as Senior Naval Lord.

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Margaret de Vere

Nombre Margaret
Apellido Vere
Nacidas el January 1, 1340
Murió el June 16, 1398 (aged 58)

Margaret de Vere was an English noblewoman, a daughter of John de Vere, 7th Earl of Oxford and his wife Maud de Badlesmere.

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Aubrey De Vere

Nombre Aubrey
Apellido Vere
Nacidas el January 17, 1788
Murió el January 17, 1846 (aged 58)

Sir Aubrey (Hunt) de Vere, 2nd Baronet was an Anglo-Irish poet and landowner.

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Eleanor Hester de Vere

Nombre Eleanor
Nacidas el July 10, 1862
Murió el February 13, 1946 (aged 83)
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No lo conozco

Sir George de Vere

Nombre Sir
Murió el November 30, 1502
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No lo conozco

Mary Vere

Nombre Mary
Apellido Vere
Nacidas el January 17, 1581
Murió el January 17, 1671 (aged 90)

Mary Vere (1581–1671) was an English letter writer.

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No lo conozco

Mary de Vere

Nombre Mary
Apellido Vere
Nacidas el November 30, 1858
Murió el May 14, 1930 (aged 71)
Conozco \
No lo conozco

Elinor Jane Alicia Lucy de Vere

Nombre Elinor
Apellido Vere
Murió el March 5, 1889
Conozco \
No lo conozco
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