Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Uner

İdil Üner

Nombre İdil
Apellido Üner
Nacidas el August 1, 1971 (age 53)

İdil Üner es una actriz y cantante alemana de origen turco.

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Ece Üner

Nombre Ece
Apellido Üner
Nacidas el July 21, 1981 (age 43)
Nacidas en Istanbul Province

Özge Ece Üner is a Turkish TV presenter and news anchor. She works as the main news bulletin presenter on Show TV.

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Ersay Üner

Nombre Ersay
Nacidas el October 7, 1980 (age 43)
Nacidas en Konya Province

Ersay Üner, is a Turkish pop music singer-songwriter. He became known in Turkey in 2000s by writing and composing songs for Demet Akalın.

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Atakan Üner

Nombre Atakan
Nacidas el June 16, 1999 (age 25)
Nacidas en Denizli Province

Hüseyin Atakan Üner is a Turkish professional footballer who plays as a winger for Ümraniyespor on loan from Beşiktaş.

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